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Paw Some More Characters

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These are the main characters of Paw Some More. Each will have a variety of sprites drawn in different poses/expressions to match their dialogue in the game, however as of now, you'll just have my goofy MS Paint doodles to go off of.

In each work minigame, the player will play as one of the random characters that fill the given role. For example, if they pick the waiting job, it'll be randomised whether they play as Adam, Elizabeth or Richard. Each character will have a unique gimick to keep the minigames interesting, however these ideas are still also in development.

Wendy Smith:

In Paw Some More, players will follow the story of Wendy and Adam and how they built up their cat café to eventually do better than a lifeless, corporate one within the same town called 'Espresso Fluoresso'.

While both Wendy and Adam are technically the main characters, Wendy takes up the manager role. I originally wrote her to be quite laid back, however, her character has evolved quite significantly into more of a workaholic who always wants to make sure the business is consistently on top of everything, with a strict schedule that is followed exactly.

Adam Clark:

Adam as a character has technically existed the longest, being based on a goofy sketch I drew in 2020. I always knew I wanted to include his character within a game in the future, and I knew he'd be a waiter, but it wasn't until I decided on Paw Some More that I really developed his personality all that much.

Adam is known in their group for being extremely sarcastic about things he doesn't like, for example, calling 'Espresso Fluoresso', 'Espresso Depresso'. He has a fairly short temper which makes it extremely difficult for to be around the last main character to be introduced; Richard. We've also written him to be a huge nerd who wants his friends to play DnD with him just once.

Quinn Ambrose:

Quinn is simply the waitress that Wendy and Adam meet at Espresso Fluoresso, however she's definitely the character who changed the most, alongside the corporate cafe itself. Originally, both her character and Espresso Fluoresso were going to be very posh and snobby, however this was scrapped in favour of a more lifeless and uninspired feel.

While she appears to be extremely tired and generally uninterested in her work, my friends encouraged me to add a different side of her character that is completely obsessed with an in-game media or fictional world, however ideas for this are still in the works. I also plan on having her hired into Paw Some More to get away from Espresso Fluoresso at the end of the game, to give her a happier ending.

Elizabeth Clark:

Elizabeth is the first waitress (and employee in general) that Wendy and Adam recruit. We originally wrote Elizabeth to be a bubbly and outgoing character to contrast the more sarcastic characters we already had, however we soon decided on her being Adam's sister to add a different dynamic to the group, which resulted in her personality being drastically altered. Ironically, Elizabeth is probably the most sarcastic character in the team now, however we kept the outgoing part of her personality. She's the most laid back in the group, though still gets her job done well. Plus, she owns a dog named Basil!

Before she joins Paw Some More, she works at Espresso Fluoresso as a waitress alongside Quinn, which we plan on exploring further in the future.

Masie Lee:

Maisie is the second employee to be recruited. Originally, we wrote her to be an overly sweet and extroverted character, however she was eventually changed to be a more reserved character to contrast the far louder and outgoing Elizabeth.

Before she's moved to work at the café, she can be found working at an animal shelter when the players decide to adopt cats for the café, which is why we also decided that she will do the majority of cat care jobs.

Richard Hart:

Originally, we only intended on having four main characters, however my sister, Jasmine, suggested that we should include another male character, which gave me the idea of adding a man who is trying way too hard to be cool, which gets on Adam's nerves to a concerning degree.

Richard is the final employee to be hired at Paw Some More, and definitely the most exaggerated at that. He will make sure he is always the coolest in the café, which allows for interesting extra minigames, such as trying to fix his hair in the bathrooms without getting caught by a more reasonable employee. And no, he will not be removing his jacket or sunglasses despite being indoors.